Thursday, 10 January 2013

4.12 Syong (the black plum)

Syong (the black plum)

Sohiong was one of the independent Khasi states. On 4 May 1829, the Cassyas, seeing Scott, their potential victim likely to escape, planned an ambush at Zumbree, where Scott was to be invited to pass the night[107].
On arriving somewhat close to the village, a courteous invitation was sent but, as the inhabitants had been rather hostile to the British alliance, this extraordinary politeness roused Scott's suspicions, and induced him to decline it. Pushing on rapidly for Syung, whose inhabitants had not joined in the combination, he passed the night there, and thus most providentially saved his life.

In 1850, Hooker mentioned that after Lanten-tannia a sudden descent of 400 feet led to another broad flat valley, called ‘Syong’ (elevation, 5,725 feet), in which there was a good bungalow, surrounded by hedges[108]. The valley was grassy, but otherwise bare. Beyond this the road passed over low rocky hills, wooded on their north or sheltered flanks only, dividing flat-floored valleys.

The road winded very prettily among these little elevations, and by a sudden descent of 400 feet, led to another broad flat valley called Sohiong where there was another staging bungalow. This valley was grassy but otherwise bare and was supposed to be at an elevation of 5,725 feet. In the Khasi language, Sohiong signifies, the black plum, from Soh, a fruit[109]. Thus the Khasias have Soh-mluh, the red plum; Soh-shan, the strawberry; Soh-runkham, the black currant; and Soh-shia, the raspberry.

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