Monday, 18 February 2013

3.7 Jungle Fever/Maisma Country

3.7      Jungle Fever/Maisma Country

There was great difficulty in providing supplies for the troops at this time, and as there was no urgency for their services, Captain Urquhart's detachment was directed to return to Assam, making a detour by Ramree.
At the same time, Major White was ordered, with a small party, to open communication with Gowahatty, by the direct route via Jeeran, which had been stockaded and blocked up by the Cassyas.
The party encountered little resistance, who invariably retreated on being fired upon. However, the natural and artificial obstacles were such, that had the Cassyas mustered a proper spirit, the detachment would have inevitably lost. The country between Nongkhlao and Assam was extremely difficult of access, being mountainous and covered with the densest jungle, and affording positions capable of being defended by a few determined men against an army.
The roads were planted with sharp bamboo stakes, called Panjhies or Ponjees, and the most difficult passes were obstructed with trees and stockaded. Fortunately Scott had carried up a body of prisoners from the jail to act as pioneers, and by their aid, he managed to extricate the detachment. The detachment under Captain Urquhart and Lieutenant Dawes affected its detour without any loss, but the sickness which prevailed in his detachment on its return, was a stark reminder of the noxious climate of these jungles in the hot season. Of 80 sepoys, there were not more than two or three who did not go to hospital, and the two European officers suffered most severely from sickness.
The Cassya resistance fell short of British expectations. The advantage the British possessed in the use of firearms overwhelmed their natural courage, and they candidly confessed, that they could not fight, whilst such an unusual noise stunned their ears.
Scott displayed sound judgment in the maintenance of British positions. At this time the troops were decimated by sickness due to the miasma of the noxious jungles they had passed through in coming up from Assam. There was the additional difficulty of procuring supplies in the hills. These issues affected the troops to such an extent that the British could barely maintain their posts on the Assam side.
At this time there were hundreds of Shyans (the original Burmese invaders of Assam), who had been taken prisoners during the First Anglo Burmese war. They feared for their lives and did not want to return to their own country. They were hardy men, accustomed to withstand hardship, and did not require carriage, cattle, or coolies, for carrying provisions. These men were native to the air of the dreaded jungles. Displaying resourcefulness, Scott deployed about 100 of them as soldiers. This ensured that the British were able to keep up their communication in such an unhealthy tract of country - the intervening jungles between Assam and the Cassya Hills.
They took possession of Nongkhlao on 2 May 1829, having met little resistance throughout the campaign[1]. Tirot Sing was forced to run about from village to village, seldom sleeping twice in the same place, and in some danger of being killed or taken by his own people. His people were heartily sick of fighting, and very anxious to get out of the scrape into which he has brought them.
Tirot Sing’s actions came as a complete surprise to Scott. He regretted that Tirot Sing did not try it before Scott and Beadon had left Nongkhlao. Scott was confident, from what he had since seen of Cassya tactics, that with their fowling pieces[2] alone, and without the aid of the 15 sepoys who accompanied Scott to Churra, they could have defeated Tirot’s gang, and burnt every village in the country.
“More arrant cowards, after all their boasting, he never saw, nor a country in which the bow and arrow were so entirely useless, when opposed to fire arms”.
The only places in which they could fight were holes under the rocks, from one of which Captain Lister unfortunately got rather badly wounded on 1 May 1829. A barbed arrow passed through his thigh and narrowly missed the femoral artery. After this campaign, the British were loath to hear about the military boasts of the Cassyas. Despite the lesson taught to the Cassyas, a long time ago, on the plains (of Sylhet), they  still made the mistake of thinking that they were invincible in the hills. In reality, as compared with the plains, the odds were five to one in favour of the British. This was largely due to the open nature of the country and favourable climate. Scott’s detachment consisted of about 200 men. Since 12 April 1829, they have been out working hard, and much exposed to the rain. Consequently, there were 18 sick, of whom 5 had sore feet, 2 fevers, and 3 bowel complaints.
Almost the whole country was now behind Tirot and preparing for defence. Muken Singh, Syiem of Mawsmai was actively trying to secure alliances from the southern Sative States. Valuable support was secured from the people of Sohbar, Wahlong, Pamsanngut, Mawdon, Shella, Dwara Nongtyrnem and Mawsmai. In the past decades, the Company’s relationship with the southern Native States had not been good, and they threw solid support behind Tirot. Tirot and Bor Manick made an Agreement in which the former accepted to defend against the Company from the south (Sylhet) while the latter was to defend the northern areas (Kamrup).
All Native States located centrally, such as Maram and Mawsynram put themselves on the side of Tirot, whereas the northern Native States, such as Rambrai and Myriaw, took active steps against the Company. Tirot and his supporters traversed the length and breadth of the country and invited Sirdars, Basans, and Lyngdohs to join them. Amongst the more prominent Syiems who supported the cause were those from Mawsynram, Byrung, Bhowal, Rambrai, and Myriaw. Khasi States that remained neutral were Khyrim, Langrin, Nongspung and Nongstoin. Except for Duwan Singh, the Syiem of Cherra, who was a trusted ally of the Company, the neutral States remained observers and later on sought to arbitrate and bring to an end to the warfare.
Although some old records refer to a 'confederacy of Khasi states', in reality this could not have amounted to much. Only a small number of the 25 chieftainships were in the uprising throughout. Principal among them were Nongkhlaw, Myriaw, Rambrai, Mawsmai, Mawmluh (itself a tributary village of the Nongkhlaw Syiemship) and Maharam, though the brunt of the conflict would appear to have been borne by Nongkhlaw and Rambrai, actively assisted by Bor Manik, the Chief of the Shillong Kingdom. Two of the more important chiefs mentioned in British records, Sing Manik of Khyrim (actually still a part of the Kingdom of Shillong), and Dewan Sing of Cherra had no part in the hostilities.  

Considering the above 7 Khasi States, their total population could hardly have been more than 20,000. In 1853 the population was about 24,005 out of the total Khasi population of approximately 82,400. According to A. J. Moffatt Mills[3] the combined population of the Khyrim and Cherra alone was much more (32,635 in 1853).
News of the tragic event finally reached the Company headquarters at Fort William, Calcutta. The Governor General (Lord William Bentinck, 4 July 1828 to 20 March 1835) as the President-in-Council ordered for the immediate suppression and the capture of Tirot. In a letter dated 26 June 1829 from the Chief Secretary addressed to Scott, the former authorised Scott to suppress the Cassyas. It was desired that the conquest of the Cassya Hills should be followed by more expansion of the British influence and that more transport facilities be explored. More lenient treatment would be given to their allies like the Kala Rajah of Nongspung and Singh Manick of Khyrim.
Strong reinforcements were brought to Cherrapunji and operations commenced immediately. Captain Lister had already secured accommodation at the Cherra Court. Scott and Lister promptly captured Mawsmai and Mawmluh, both allys of Nongkhlaw. The Syiem of Cherra sent some of his men to accompany the force to Mawmluh and Mawsmai. At Mawmluh, the Cassyas were forced down the ridge and shot to death. Mawmluh and Laitkynsew were both foiled in their attempt to repulse the British. And Tirot who visited Mawmluh made a narrow escape. Next the force stormed Mawsmai and the Syiem was forced to flee.
To the south, many villages made attacks on the Company. The British force stormed them and stockades were levelled to the ground. The Shella Wahdadarship made a desperate stand, but important strongholds were besieged. In September 1829, the four Wahdadars of Shella promised to pay Rs.4,000 as tribute to the Company.
Wahlong made an independent stand and the Syiem went down fighting. In October, Mawdon surrendered. A fiery battle raged around Sohbar where the marks of stockades erected during the battle are still seen today. Dwara Nongtyrmen resisted the troops by building a stockade but the troops managed to dismantle it.
The occupation of Khasi Hills really started on 12 September 1829 (augmented by a subsequent one in October 1830) with the Agreement between Dewan Singh, Syiem of Sohra, with the knowledge and consent of his Dorbar of Myntris and elders and Scott. At the height of these battles, the Syiem of Cherra, executed an Agreement for a sanitarium. He surrendered Saitsohpen, Lower Cherra, to the Company and obtained in return a plot of about 50 acres of land in the Panduah territory (Sylhet District).  

The occupation of Saitsohpen was highly gratifying to the Company which had been making attempts to find a base to launch operations in the hills. Because of its proximity to Sylhet, this proved a very suitable place for the establishment of a base from which to pursue operations against the hostile Khasis, especially as the syiem was friendly to the British. The ceded piece of land was "for erecting Government edifices and for gentlemen to build houses on". At Cherrapunji, Scott built for himself a bungalow on the plateau. 

Scott undertook to make the road passable for Tonjons (an open chair, with a hood, carried on men's shoulders) if not horses, by means of a party of Assamese convicts. With the aid of proper bearers, he did not think that it would be a difficult task. However, the bearers from the plains would not do, unless they were previously broken in to hill work. Scott had no doubt that the Cassyas themselves, would soon learn to carry a double-poled Tonjon, if not on their shoulders, but slung in their own way, over the head.
By 2 September 1829, Captain Lister had gone back to Sylhet, after taking several stockades towards Cheyla (Shella). He hoped that they would come to terms, when they saw the futility of resistance, without it being necessary to resort to extreme force[4]. In this respect the British were disappointed. After talks and correspondence with the Cassyas for three months, it became necessary to dislodge them, which was done with the loss of a few men wounded by Ponjees, and one by an arrow.
According to Scott, the Cassyas were, without exception, the worst hands at fighting that he had to deal with. They made no serious attempts at defence, although he acknowledged that they were entrenched in such a way as to be almost unassailable against the Company’s present means, as long as they continued to remain under cover. Their most formidable weapon was the Ponjee, by which a great number of men had been wounded. However, this was nothing compared to the damage inflicted by the Burmese Ponjees.
In November 1829, the surrender of the villages of Nongskhen, Sohbar and Nongjrong was secured which was formally embodied in a Treaty. Only a few areas in the south had yet to be pacified.
Scott made some attempts to negotiate with Muken, the Syiem of Mawsmai, but failed. Muken was invited to a Peace Treaty where Duwan announced the honest intention of the Company to restore him at Mawsmai with presents and lavish grants of money. Muken was nearly trapped, but urged on by his people, refused the offer and escaped to the jungles. During the last few years of the conflict, the Company captured him and he became a pensioner.
A feature of the rebellion was the united stand of the southern States, such as the Syiem of Byrong. It was due mostly to the suspension of trade with Sylhet that forced their hand. With their suppression, the military station at Cherrapunji now had full liberty to carry out operations elsewhere. Troops of the Company were despatched and reinforced from time to time from Sylhet to Cherra.
Since April 1829 the fighting at Nongkhlaw was more vigorous and violent than elsewhere. The Company authorities resolved to lay siege to Nongkhlaw and bring Tirot to his knees. Scott first tried peaceful means with Tirot. The Company would remain content with simply the confirmation of the Treaty of 1826 and proper measures were taken to safeguard its terms and provisions. Scott's agents had worked actively to secure it and extensive contacts with the Syiems were made. But Tirot refused to accept their offer.
Captain Lister led a strong force to Nongkhlaw which became the main theatre of operations. At Nongkhlaw the Cassyas rearmed and fresh operations were launched. All able bodied men came forward and even women joined the national militia. Many Cassya men were given to handle a two handed sword and a big shield. Some of them armed themselves with homemade guns. Archers in their thousands got ready to operate unseen from behind the masses of rocks and volunteers from all over the country came to help Tirot. Before the end of April 1829, Lister approached Nongkhlaw, on his way capturing a number of villages.
Even though the Company had taken steps to suspend trade between the hills and plains, the Nongkhlaw people still managed to bring food through other devious means. When Captain Lister arrived, the road at Nongkhlaw was blocked by a heavy Cassya resistance, first at Mairang and then at Nongrmai. Tirot, commanding in the field, received a severe wound. Similary, on 1 May, Captain Lister received a slight injury by an arrow, but both recovered soon.
Cassya strongholds and strategic points were levelled by firing of the troops. The Cassyas resorted to archery and hundreds of poisoned, and fire bearing arrows rained from all directions. The British position was strengthened by the arrival of Vetch with his corps (the 43rd Assam Light Infantry) from Gowahatty. According to a report, Vetch had already embarked on a scheme to operate against the Cassyas from Kamrup side since April and on hearing the news of the conspiracy, he marched with 40 men from Gowahatty on 8 April 1829. The next day they halted at Jirang and came in conflict with a Cassya party commanded by a relative of Tirot.
Vetch sacked and destroyed all villages in that area.
“The village being situated on a rocky eminence, surrounded by a jungle in which the enemy had taken refuge; to secure our position, it became necessary to set fire to houses skirting - but being filled, it extended to the whole village, and soon presented a scene strangely contrasted-looking upwards, a lofty pillar of fire rose from the deserted village, and beyond -it dense column of smoke towered up to the highest heaven, presenting an object of great sublimity - a strange Bacchanalian scene.”
Vetch returned to the plains and restored order, as there was great alarm in the country, and equipped his force from other military headquarters. He again ascended the hills with more reinforcements and on arriving at Nongkhlaw on 3 May 1829, he joined Captain Lister. Vetch was accompanied by Captain Urquhart with two companies of the 54th about 80 strong. The battle also shifted to Mylliem which fell before the close of May.
Another important incident recorded at this time was the death of Dr. Beadon, an attendant of Scott who received severe injuries from an arrow on 20 May 1829. He was treated by Dr. Furnell but no relief came, and after some days of torture, he died on 26 May 1829. As of 25 May 1829, Dr. Beadon still continued in a dangerous state[5]. Dr. Furnell laid open the wound on 25 May 1829, but although he got firm hold of the barb with a forcep, it was found impossible to extract it, or to do more than move it back about half an inch, which might have been of some use in removing pressure from the nerves. Scott remonstrated repeatedly with Dr. Beadon on exposing himself to danger, but he was enraged at the cruelty of the Nongkhlao people, and bent upon revenge (see Ostrich Hill section).
Scott had little or no hope of the recovery of Dr. Beadon, who received a most severe wound on 20 May 1829 from an arrow, which had penetrated the nose, leaving the barb somewhere above the roof of the mouth[6]. He immediately lost the use of the left arm and leg and complained of such intense pain in the head, that Scott did not think he could survive until the doctor arrived. Even then he did not know what could be done to relieve him, as the barb appeared to be out of the reach of any instrument, and buried amongst bones.
Another factor that doomed the stand against the British from the start was the total lack of firearms. The Khasis went to war armed only with swords, shields, bows and arrows. Dr. Beadon was actually mortally wounded by an arrow during a clash at the initial stage between a party of soldiers and the Khasis. Moreover, the Khasis were untrained in the type of warfare in which they soon found themselves engaged. They quickly found out that it was impossible to engage in open battle a determined enemy who could kill from a distance and accordingly they resorted to guerrilla activity which dragged on for about four years. Having failed in their open warfare, Tirot, Bor Manick and other leaders resorted to guerrilla warfare which was to prolong the war. The Syiems left Nongkhlaw, shifting their base of operation to another part of the interior from where they exerted pressure on the Company.  

Tirot's party shifted to a cave near the Diengiei peak still known as the cave of Tirot. The cave is said to have connected to the Kynshi river in the Nongkhlaw State by a deep tunnel. It was located in the heart of Mylliem in Bor Manick’s domain. Through the tunnel, communications were kept with Nongkhlaw. Tirot conducted operations almost continuously from this cave until his capitulation.
With their departure, the atmosphere of Nongkhlaw became a little calm. Scott had already announced a British annexation of Nongkhlaw before the arrival of Vetch from Kamrup. While the Nongkhlaw situation was more peaceful, the tumult of war spread to other parts of the Cassya interior. Bor Manick and Tirot had organised a stronger force and the scenes of battles shifted to places beyond Nongkhlaw.

[1] Appendix No. 25: From Mr. Scott to Mr. Lamb, Myrung, 6 May 1829.
[2] A light shotgun for shooting birds and small animals.
[3] Moffat Mills, A.J.: Report on Assam (1853).
[4]Appendix No. 29: (Extract.) Mr. Scott to Mr. Lamb, 2 September 1829.
[5] Appendix No. 27: Extract from Mr. Scott to Mr. Lamb, Myrung, 26 May 1829.
[6] Appendix No. 26: Mr. Scott to Mr. Lamb, Naugundee, 21May 1829.

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