Wednesday, 20 February 2013

3.5 Ostrich Hill

3.5      Ostrich Hill

Not far from Nongkhlao there was a beautiful spot known by the name of Ostrich Hill, and on its summit stood a humble Monument bearing an inscription:
 Multis ille bonis fleblis occidit, Nulli fledilior mihi

Translated[1], this means: “Falling after daring great deeds he perished, bemoaned by many good men.” Under the Monument were deposited the remains of the two friends, Lieutenants Bedingfeld and Burlton, which were recovered soon after their massacre.
A few months later, on 25 May 1829, Mr. Henry Beadon, Esq. Assistant Surgeon, who was also attached to them both, was killed in action with Teirut Sing and his followers, and his name had been united on the Monument, with those of his friends, in avenging whose deaths he met his own. David Scott had pleaded with Beadon to show restraint, but he was enraged at the cruelty of the Nongkhlao people and bent upon revenge.
Scott had been shocked and grieved by the news of Ensign David Hay Brodie's death[2]. He had only heard from Mirza (presumably his servant), that he was brought in, ill of a fever, on 20 April 1831, and died on the 23 April 1831. Scott did everything in his power to prevent him from exposing himself in the jungles of the lower Cassya Hills. Brodie of the 13th Native Infantry distinguished himself in defending the area at Myriaw side and the Duars[3] from further Khasi attack[4]. It is not clear if he was also buried at Ostrich Hill.
In later years Major White referred to Scott in one of his letters that one should "not be surprised to hear of his taking up a place on the Ostrich Hill". He was alluding to a beautiful green hill so named because of the resemblance to that bird of a solitary tree near its top[5]. This hill, from the noble prospect it commanded, was a favourite spot with all who visited the place, in its more peaceful and happier days, but particularly with Lieutenant Bedingfield, who, on his last visit, seemed to have a presentiment that he would die there, and begged Dr. Beadon that he should be buried on the summit of the Ostrich Hill.
On the retaking of the place on 2 May 1829, Lieut. Bedingfield’s wish was complied with, and the mangled remains of himself and Lieut. Burlton were collected and buried, in one grave, in the caves on its top. These two officers were like brothers in arms, loved by all who knew them, and as much attached to Scott as he was to them.
At the time of the atrocities on 4 April 1829, Scott was on his way from Nongkhlao to Cherra Punji, and before starting, had been falsely warned by the Nongkhlao people, that he would be attacked in passing through the Molacem country, with the aim of deterring him from going, and might, thereby, be involved in the general massacre. Scott so far fell into this trap, and deceived by this show of kindness, he only left one Naik (Corporal) and four Sepoys at Nongkhlao, but contemptuous of the warning given, he determined to push on with a guard of 12 Sepoys.
The Cassyas, seeing their victim likely to escape, planned an ambush at Zumbree, where he was to be invited to pass the night. On arriving somewhat close to the village, a courteous invitation was sent out to him. As the inhabitants had been rather hostile to the British alliance, this extraordinary politeness roused Scott's suspicions, and he declined the offer. Pushing on rapidly for Syung, whose inhabitants had not joined in the subterfuge, he passed the night there. This single act most certainly saved his life.
Satisfied with the security arrangements at Nongkhlao, on 1 April 1829 Scott left Lieutenants Bedingfeld and Burlton and arrived in Churra Poonjee on 2 April 1829[6]. On the way, Scott had some conversation with the people of Lungburree, who the day before, had detained his coolies, and taken some belongings from them. After his arrival at Churra Poonjee, he did not receive any Dak, and for a few days, attributed it to the Lungburree people. However on 7 April 1829, there was a report that the whole party at Nongkhlao had been cut off. As of 10 April 1829, they had not been able to get hold of anyone who had actually been at the scene, but by all accounts, Scott feared for the safety of his friends.
The conduct of the Rajah of Nongkhlao was quite inexplicable and, Scott was sure that it would lead to the ultimate occupation of his country. The people at Churra Poonjee were on friendly terms and appeared to be sincere. Scott feared that the termination of their Sanatarium at Nongkhlao might induce the Government to suspend proceedings in Churra Poonjee as well. On the night of 9 April 1829, they were in some alarm as an attack was expected by the people of the village. By the evening of 10 April 1829, Scott expected a party of 40 men which would enable him to defy the Cassyas.

[1]A quotation from Horace, Odes, Carm.1.24, lines 3-10. An inscription on the South side of the nave of St. Peter's, Broughton, North Staffordshre Memorial Inscription.
[2]Appendix No. 23: Extract of a letter from Mr. Scott, dated Goalpara, 28 April 1831, to Lieut. H. Vetch, of the Assam Light Infantry.
[3]The floodplains and foothills of the eastern Himalayas in North-East India around Bhutan. The Western Dooars is known as the Bengal Dooars and the Eastern Dooars as the Assam Dooars.
[4]The History and Culture of the Khasi People, Third Edition, Dr. Hamlet Bareh, Spectrum Publications, Guwahati, 1997, Pg.130.
[5]Appendix No. 35: Letter from Lieut. H. Vetch, of the Assam Light Infantry, Jorehaut, 30 March 1831, to Col. Arch. Watson.
[6]Appendix No. 22: Mr. Scott to Mr. Lamb, Churra Poonjee, 10 April 1829.

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