The hard sell for Shillong
this time, Political Agents, geologists and botanists were suggesting the
shifting of the District Head Quarters to the place now known as Upper Shillong
or any other suitable site in the vicinity which would be more advantageous for
To the British officers Gauhati, the head quaters of the Assam Division, was an unhealthy place and even Hopkinson himself had a bout of malaria.
To the British officers Gauhati, the head quaters of the Assam Division, was an unhealthy place and even Hopkinson himself had a bout of malaria.
search for a new location for the District Head Quarters of the Khasi and
Jaintia Hills ultimately led the last of the Commissioners of Assam, Colonel
Henry Hopkinson (1861–1874), to the valley of Yeodo. For
a number of years, Hopkinson tried to convince the Board of Revenue at Fort
William in Calcutta that for the sake of efficient administration, "officials of Government must live in a good
place". He had lived in Shillong and considered it to be the place
most suited to the purpose. But the authorities did not accept his suggestion,
even though their interest in Shillong was not altogether absent.
were conducted by the Board of Revenue and the Military Department and in 1860,
the authorities mooted the idea of shifting the District Head Quarters to
Shillong. The reasons were the extraordinarily heavy rainfall and humid weather
of Cherra, which they could not withstand and made their life very
uncomfortable during the wet season. Other considerations were the interrupted
communications, the requirement of a cantonment, settlement for retired and
serving Europeans and employees of the District Civil Station, and the necessity
of a central location of the Head Quarters.
1860-61, the possibility of locating a Station in the Cossyah Hills at some
higher elevation than that of Cherra, was first considered in connection with
the scheme brought forward by the Military Department of encouraging the
settlement of Non-Commissioned Officers and soldiers of good character in India[2].
The site of Shillong speedily drew attention, not only as suited for such a
settlement, but also as a Sanatorium, as a Cantonment for troops quartered in
the Hills, and as the proper spot for the Head Quarters of the Civil Officer of
the District.
there were no European enterprise at Cherra and no suitable establishment for
supply of essential commodities for a growing population. After further
investigation made by a Committee, a survey of the topography by Major F.A.
Rowlatt, and a detailed report of the Deputy Commissioner, on 29 October 1861
the Fort William authorities in Calcutta decided to shift only the District
offices to Shillong.
Fitzwilliam Thomas Pollock was an Executive
Engineer who had a significant role to play in the future of Shillong.
According to Pollock, Major F.A. Rowlatt, the Deputy Commissioner (ex-Chief
Civil Officer of the Khasia and Jyntia Hills), in his wanderings discovered
Shillong, where the rainfall was not above 72 inches, so he persuaded the
Government to desert Cherra and to form a Station near Shillong, not Shillong
itself, which had a bad name even amongst the Cossyahs, who only used it as a
burial-place[3] (this
could be the reason why the Muslims have their burial place and Hindus their
cremation ground in Upper Laban). He had built himself a little bungalow and
his idea was to form the station around there.
According to Pollock, the
Committee was comprised of old Indian officers, who had lived all their lives in
the plains, and had commanded Oude (Avadh) men, and were asked to report on the
eligibility of the proposed site. The Committee in fact consisted of Lieutenant
Colonel Richardson, Surgeon Major Jerdon, Major Raban, Major Briggs, and
Captain Morton[4]. Pollock was of the view
that they must have found the place too cold, and reported unfavourably as to
its fitness for native troops, forgetting that it was not proposed to locate
Bengal Sepoys there, but Gurkhas,
whose homes were in Nepal at an elevation of 10,000 feet above sea-level.
Pollock also suggested
alternative sites[5] which, according to him,
were better than the proposed site:
“Opposite to Morflong (sic), twenty miles
nearer Gowhatty than Shillong, there is a beautiful plateau as like Ootacamund
as it can be, and 6,000 feet high; but for some reason it was not even
inspected by the commission appointed to choose a site in preference to Cherra.
As it was a part of my work to travel over the
hills and plains in search of the best routes for road-making, I soon came to
know the greater part of the country, and certainly the best site for a station
I have seen was a plateau 5,500 feet high, fifteen miles from Jynteahpoor on
the Jowai road, almost level, and with ample accommodation for a couple of
regiments and a battery of artillery, flanked on two sides by lovely mountain
streams, swarming with trout and masher, and with fair small game shooting
about; and as steamers can ply to Jynteahpoor in the rains and within three to
four miles of it at all seasons, surely that would have been preferable to the
present Sanatarium.
At Shillong there is literally no amusement for
the European officers. Cricket was the only game we could indulge in. Shooting
and fishing there were none within a day’s reach, and it is very expensive
moving about on the hills”.
Treating the slopes of
Shillong and the less elevated plateau of Yeodo as one locality, the Committee
wrote a most eulogistic report of the fitness of the place in relation to
climate, location, and resources. Amongst the various places in view, the
Committee recommended in favour of the high plateau of Shillong (now known as
Upper Shillong) for the Civil Station and Iewduh for the invalid European
troops and the lines of the regiments[6].
So as a medium, Shillong,
which lay in a hollow, was fixed upon. It was also subject to certain diseases,
and even to cholera, but was of course, an improvement on Gowhatty, and since
the province was made into a Chief Commissionership the Cantonment and Civil
Lines had been greatly extended, and reached to Captain Rowlatt's (later Major
Rowlatt) original site. The Cart Road, laid out and commenced by Pollock
himself, had been finished, and now light covered-in carriages plied between
Shillong and Gowhatty, and a person could reach it within 12 hours after
the immediate transfer of the Office of the Deputy Commissioner of the Cossyah
and Jynteeah Hills from Cherra to Shillong was authorised. The official
recommendation to transfer the station from Cherrapunji to Shillong was made in
letter No.32, dated 27 May 1862, from Brigadier General G.D. Showers,
Commissioner of the Cossiah and Jyntia Hills[7]. The question, however, of the adoption of
Shillong as a Sanatorium and Military Station, awaited the final decision of
His Excellency the Governor General in Council.
Rowlatt’s topographical survey altogether ignored the name Yeodo. Hopkinson
asserted that the local people also recognised the new settlement as Shillong,
and few persons used the term Yeodo.
"The new settlement extends throughout its entire length along the lower
slopes of the Shillong range. Shillong
is as appropriate a name to one part of the tract as another and has already
been accepted, while it will be hardly possible to impose the name Yeodo upon
the upper portion of the tract."
also added that Yeodo could be spelt in "all sorts of ways" and might be confounded with one or two
other places. According to one account, a Japanese town had the same name[8].
October 1861, the superiority of Shillong over Cherra Poonjee as the Chief
Civil Station of the Cossyah and Jynteah Hills was recognised by Government,
and the transfer directed to be made. The unhappy disturbances[9]
which shortly afterwards broke out among the Jynteeahs, interrupted the
completion of the change at the time, but in May 1862, Brigadier-General
Showers again brought forward the subject, and wrote so favourably of the
locality, both in a military and sanitary point of view, that a Committee was
appointed to examine its capabilities.
It was at this point in history that other religious influences came to the
vicinity of the Khasi Hills. On 15 April 1862, Kalikadas Dutta and Braja Sundar
Mitra established the Brahmo Samaj[10] in
Sylhet. As with the Welsh Mission in the Khasi Hills, the Brahmo Samaj would, in later years, have a profound influence on
the Khasi people.
Sutapa. & Dhar, Bibhash. & North-East India Council for Social
Science Research. 2004, Shillong
: a tribal town in transition / editors, Sutapa Sengupta, Bibhas Dhar
Reliance Pub. House, New Delhi :
[2]Annual report on administration of the Bengal Presidency, 1860/61.
[3]Sport in British Burmah,
Assam, and the Cassyah and Jyntiah Hills. By Lieutenant Colonel Pollock, Madras
Staff Corps, Volume 1, Chapman and Hall, London, 1879.
[4]Annual Report on the
Administration of the Bengal Presidency for 1863-64.
[5]Sport in British Burmah, Assam, and the Cassyah and Jyntiah
hills. with notes of sport in the hilly districts of the northern division,
Madras Presidency, indicating the best localities in those countries for sport,
with natural history notes, illustrations of the people, scenery, and game,
together with maps to guide the traveller or sportsman, and hints on weapons,
fishing-tackle, etc., best suited for killing game met with in those provinces.
Volume 2.
Lieutenant Colonel Fitz William Thomas Pollock, Chapman and Hall, London, 1879.
Harvard University.Pg.76.
Gurkhas, settlement and society : with reference to Shillong, 1867-1969 /
Sanjay Rana. New Delhi : Mittal Publications, 2008.
[8]A History of
Assam, Edward Albert Gait, Pg.399, Thacker Spink & Co., Calcutta 1906,
University of California.
[9]In January 1862, the
Jaintias (Syntengs) were seriously disaffected and a serious outbreak occurred.
One company numbering about 300, came within 7 miles of Cherra, intending to
march upon the European settlement. During the night a sudden rush was made
upon Theria Ghat village, at the foot of the Hills, were a number of Bengalis
were slain, their skulls being carried away on the point of their spears in
[10]The Brahmo Samaj was
conceived as reformation of the prevailing Bengal of the time and began the
Bengal Renaissance of the 19th century pioneering all religious, social and
educational advance of the Hindu community in the 19th century.
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